LZM Entrance
Magallanes Square Magallanes Drive Corner Sta. Rit, Magallanes, Tagaytay City
LZM is a restaurant that offers Filipino Cuisine or "Lutong bahay".
To Be honest with you, I didn't expect this restaurant to give the amazing experience it gave.
See for yourself why?
They had their Christmas designs then. It was November of 2014 when we went there.
Side Note :This lesson of not correlating in any way either outer or inner design or look of a restaurant led me to find the most delicious Bulalo in all of Tagaytay - and fortunately I found it with a little bit of searching on the internet and of course eating there.
The utensils |
LZM interior look |
I don't judge a restaurant entirely by it's interior design but this restaurant looked like a typical carinderia. The restaurant didn't gave me an impression of awesomeness, but not until I had a taste of their unforgettable awesome food.
You have been warned! LOL
Condiments |
-Tagaytay Budget Travel Guide-
The Food! The Main Event!
Bangus - 420php |
This is the main event - the best seller! Even if you're not into eating bangus or fish in general ( like me) just try this out, and I'm pretty confident , pretty sure you and your friends will love this, and you'll be coming out of this restaurant thinking of this bangus you just had.
And when you do.. come back on this blog and share us your story!
Bulalo - 470php |
This may not be the best bulalo in Tagaytay, I definitely like their version of bulalo more than Leslie's and Josephine's version.
For me, it tasted pretty normal, it was above average but at the same time I don't feel recommending this. Although, maybe it's just me because I don't use 'Bagoong' when eating Kare-Kare because of my allergies to shrimps.
Bottom line ! - LZM is a place you would want to eat at when you're in Tagaytay, it's in one of the best locations in Tagaytay, just in front of Leslie's Restaurant.
I strongly recommend you to try their Bangus.
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-Tagaytay Budget Travel Guide- |
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